Face Shield Request Form

UPDATE APRIL 3, 2020 1:15 PM: We have now hit the limit for our request fulfillment! Our next step will be assembling the packages and getting them into the right hands! More updates to follow soon!
Thank you everyone!! Stay safe!
UPDATE APRIL 2, 2020 11AM: We have now hit 5,000 requests for face shields! While we will continue to take orders, we will need to source more material for future batches. As more donations and materials come in, we will continue fulfilling requests made after the initial 5,000.
Good Morning, everyone! A collective of community members is banding together and utilizing our skills to order, create, and distribute face shields. This is a fluid situation and things are changing day by day, so check back for more information in the future as we are able to post and share. We will also be posting donation information. Please be patient with us as we are doing all this work while also not coming in contact with one another!
For now, here is a link to a Face Shield Request Form that will collect your request so we can stay organized. As with all things, please be understanding that we are working with materials and resources that are in very high demand and we will do our best to fulfill requests.
Thanks and be well!